Products - Allergy - Anti-CCD absorbent

Anti-CCD absorbent

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Contact our Allergy Product Team for further details and information


Anti-CCD absorbent is an additional reagent for the incubation with blot-based allergy profiles. The absorbent eliminates anti-CCD IgE antibodies from the patient serum or plasma, which increases the specificity of the test results if these antibodies are present in the sample.

Anti-CCD IgE antibodies are directed against sugar structures of proteins and can be detected in around 25% of allergy patients as well as in non-allergic individuals. They generally have no clinical relevance.

In extract-based testing, these antibodies complicate the interpretation of positive results as the following cases cannot be differentiated:

  • positive reaction caused by IgE antibodies against peptide epitopes
  • positive reaction caused by anti-CCD IgE antibodies
  • positive reaction caused by a combination of the two antibody types

Differentiation between the described reactions is possible when the absorbent is used, and the anti-CCD IgE antibodies are eliminated.

The anti-CCD absorbent is useful if the patient serum or plasma is shown to contain IgE antibodies against CCD structures. This is indicated by a positive CCD band on the incubated allergy profile. In this case, the serum or plasma should be retested using the anti-CCD absorbent.

Product Offerings

The patient sample isSamples incubated with anti-CCD absorbent for 60 minutes at room temperature according to the instructions. The sample can then be used directly for incubation with the respective allergy profile.

Anti-CCD absorbent

Anti-CCD Absorbent Fewer cross reactions – increased specificity

Anti-CCD absorbent products

For Research Use Only. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures.
The individual product regulatory statements may vary, please refer to the instructions for use for more information.

wdt_ID Method Parameter
1 NUL anti-CCD absorbent
Method Parameter
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