Products - Autoimmune - Endocrinology - Infertility


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Infertility may be caused by antibodies against various tissues and cells that are essential for reproduction. In 20% of cases of immunologically mediated fertility disorders, anti-spermatozoa antibodies are detected (autoantibodies in men or alloantibodies in women). These antibodies primarily impair the mobility of the spermatozoa through surface binding and through agglutination processes.

Antibodies against ovarian antigens can be detected in women with primary ovarian insufficiency and after repeated in vitro fertilization. The autoantibodies are directed against various ovarian structures and inhibit the maturation of the egg and its interaction with spermatozoa. Target antigens are steroid-producing enzymes – especially in the theca interna cells – and the zona pellucida.

Diagnostic Guidelines

Unwanted childlessness is a growing problem with up to 20% of all couples in reproductive age are confronted temporarily or long-term.

The IIFT: Spermatozoa and the IIFT: Ovary can detect serum antibodies against spermatozoa and ovarian antigens, respectively, using indirect immunofluorescence. By using both tests, possible autoimmune-associated fertility disorders of both partners can be reliably identified.

Infertility products

For Research Use Only. Not For Use In Diagnostic Procedures.
The individual product regulatory statements may vary, please refer to the instructions for use for more information.

wdt_ID Method Parameter Substrate Species/ Antigen
548 IFA ovarian antigens ovary monkey
549 IFA Infertility Mosaic 7
ovarian antigens
Leydig cells
placental antigens
uterine antigens
ovarian antigens
Leydig cells
placental antigens
uterine antigens
5 BIOCHIPs per field:
550 IFA antibodies against ovary: theca cells
(ovary ab control)
551 IFA Leydig cells testis monkey
552 IFA antibodies against testis: Leydig cells
(testis ab control)
553 IFA antibodies against spermatozoa
554 IFA spermatozoa smear human
Method Parameter Substrate Species/ Antigen
Contact our Autoimmune Product Team for further details and information
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