Products - Automation - Molecular genetic - EUROArrayProcessor


Fully automated processing of EUROArray slides

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

The EUROArrayProcessor provides dilution of the PCRs with hybridization buffer, the transfer of the hybridization preparations to reagent trays, hybridization of PCR reactions, washing and drying of the EUROArray slides

  • Automated post-PCR processing of up to 192 PCR preparations and 40 EUROArray slides per run using proven TITERPLANE technology
  • Standardized and reproducible washing of EUROArray slides and automated drying for best quality of results
  • Safety and traceability through barcode identification of EUROArray slides, reagent tray boxes and reagents

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures



Optimizations of workflows

  • Unique system for automated processing of EUROArray slides: pipetting, hybridization, washing and drying on one instrument
  • No manual intermediate steps – convenient and safe from the PCR sample to the EUROArray slide ready for evaluation
  • Use of concentrates for the preparation of the wash buffer and system liquid as well as the working-strength hybridization buffer for simple preparation of runs
  • Minimal hands-on time of 15 minutes for runs with up to 40 EUROArray slides and 192 PCR samples

Economic and precise pipetting

  • Coated stainless-steel needle and precision pump for high pipetting accuracy
  • Efficient washing of the pipetting needle prevents carry-over during pipetting
  • Safe pipetting procedure due to capacitive liquid level detection
  • Reduced danger of cross-contamination since the pipetting needle pierces the film covering the PCR plate, which makes manual removal of the film superfluous
  • No evaporation effect during hybridization due to proven TITERPLANE technology and thermal isolation

Reliable result

  • Integrated washing unit for fully automated cleaning of EUROArray slides
  • Standardized and reproducible washing based on the washing technology
  • Pinpoint washing of fields without carry-over
  • Defined washing conditions due to temperature control and active cooling of the wash buffer
  • Automated drying of EUROArray slides for best quality of results

Convenient operation

  • PC with intuitive graphic touchscreen user interface
  • Simple starting of individual worklists
  • Protocol generation with or without LIS connection
  • Lot traceability for PCR reagents
  • Optional volume calculation for PCRs and display of the PCR pipetting layout

Flexible combination of EUROArrays

  • Automated processing of up to six different EUROArray tests per run
  • Protocol optimization for efficient combination of different EUROArray tests
  • Economic work procedure due to choice between EUROArray slides with three or five reaction fields
  • Unique identification of EUROArray slides due to integrated DataMatrix code reader
  • Incubation at the hybridization temperature specific for the corresponding EUROArray test

Process safety from A to Z

  • Software access based on different user accounts and rights
  • Convenient system overview with detailed status information on run times and resources for smooth integration into the laboratory routine
  • Automated sensor-based loading check for PCR samples, consumables and disposal items before the start of every run for error-free processing
  • Safe digital data exchange with the Automated Workstation Pre-NAT II and EUROArrayScan software

For product information, please contact the EUROIMMUN Sales Team
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