Products - Automation - Molecular genetic - EUROArrayScanner


Fully automated evaluation for standardized, fast and reliable analyses of EUROIMMUN microarrays.

For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

EUROArrays after hybridization are read in the EUROArrayScanner. The EUROArrayScan software automatically recognizes the position of the arrays and quantifies the spot signals for each DNA probe. In just a few seconds, the software measures signal intensity for all samples and documents the output. The extensive, integrated controls are automatically taken into account in the process. Manual evaluation and interpretation of the signals is not necessary. The EUROArrayScan software produces a clearly laid out work protocol for every run, which helps processing of the samples simple and secure.

With the report output, the user has the possibility to obtain an overview of the analysis for all samples and/or a detailed individual output with all partial results together with the associated array image in order to verify the suggested findings. Furthermore, the user can add individual comments. The results are automatically saved together with the image data, therefore archiving of the incubated microarrays can be dispensed with.

  • Analysis and evaluation system for molecular products
  • Fully automatic evaluation, analysis and data archiving
  • Rapid evaluation using a fluorescence scanner – one slide in less than 2
  • 0 seconds

  • Result output in the form of an overview or a detailed individual analysis
  • Possibility to add comments to the result
  • LIS connection and networkability for optimal data communication and integration

For product information, please contact the EUROIMMUN Sales Team
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